Farewell to our friend

Vicki Serianni, NapaShakes irrepressable and irreplaceable volunteer,
at Farmstead St Helena, April, 2021.

It is with great sadness that we share the news that our beloved friend and volunteer Vicki Serianni has passed away. There wasn’t a NapaShakes event for which she wasn’t essential, particularly the live performances. She drove the entire cast of Shakespeareans around the Napa Valley – acting the stern but tenderhearted den mother. She was one of a kind, and will be fondly remembered forever.

How Napa Became the World’s Stage

June 22, 2016 Napa Valley Register: In an interview with the Register, NapaShakes artistic director Laura Rafaty explains the backstory of bringing the world premiere of “Measure + Dido” to the Napa Valley Editor’s note: NapaShakes has been bringing some impressive names into Napa Valley, presenting performances by Shakespeare’s London Globe…

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Three Cheers for the Red, White & Bard

From the Napa Valley Register Newspaper, April 17, 2016 by Laura Rafaty As America’s 2016 election cycle coincides with worldwide celebrations of the 400th Anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death in 1616, we at Napa Valley’s own NapaShakes aim to prove that America’s Shakespearean actors are every bit the equals of…

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Napa Register’s Sasha Paulsen on Fiasco’s Cymbeline

The Napa Register’s Sasha Paulsen writes about the NapaShakes presentation of Fiasco Theater’s Cymbeline to reopen the Napa Valley Opera House, including interviews with co-director and cast member Ben Seinfeld on the inspiration behind Fiasco’s acclaimed production, NapaShakes dramaturg Philippa Kelly on the resonance of the story with modern political times,…

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