Tag Archives: Shakespeare
Manic Mechanicals

The Zany Players of A Midsummer Night’s Dream A Mechanical is any of six characters in A Midsummer Night’s Dream who perform the play-within-a-play “Pyramus and Thisbe,” and who are collectively known as the “Rude Mechanicals.” Named for their occupations as skilled manual laborers, they are a group of amateur actors from around Athens, looking to make names for…
The Jig is Up!

Why Shakespeare Always Left ’em Dancing! The cast of the Globe Theatre’s Richard II led by Mark Rylance ends an evening of tragic history on the BBC with a rousing traditional dance: Audience members who’ve enjoyed our Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre productions, both live and onscreen, have noticed the actors ending the evening…
Induction Notice ~ Taming “Shrew’s” Elusive Induction Scene

Get Ready for The Taming of the Shrew: Understanding the “Induction” “Induction” doesn’t only mean “bringing someone to a position,” like inducting them into the Army or the Hall of Fame. It also means “bringing about or giving rise to” the action, as Shakespeare cleverly demonstrates with his Induction Scene in The Taming of the Shrew.…