Yearly Archives: 2015
The “Merry War” of Much Ado About Nothing
Odd Man Out? What Motivates Macbeth?
NapaShakes’ Dramaturg Philippa Kelly explains: ‘[I]t is far better to be a just man than an unjust prince.’ Erasmus, The Education of a Christian Prince (1518) Tragedy openeth the greatest wounds, and showeth forth the ulcers that are covered with tissue; [it] maketh kings fear to be tyrants, and tyrants…
The Truth About the “Scottish Curse”
Don’t say Macbeth, or even quote that play, in a theater. Ever. Theater people believe it will bring disaster. In actual fact, Constantine Stanislavski, Orson Welles and Charlton Heston all suffered some catastrophe during or just after a production of “The Scottish Play.” In 1849, more than 30 New Yorkers were…